Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing. Traditional Acupuncture dates back some 5,000 years, making it one of the oldest forms of medicine and the world's largest drug-free health care system. Often seen as a last resort it is increasingly recognised as a preventative step as people take more responsibility for their own physical, mental, and emotional health. The overall therapeutic effects of Acupuncture is one of its greatest strengths.
Acupuncture begins with a diagnosis of the individual's energy imbalance. The energy of the body, mind and spirit is distributed through 12 main energy pathways (sometimes called meridians). Each pathway is associated with an organ. The chronic over or under activity of any of these pathways will cause the organ to work less effectively and disease will result.
Treatment is the process of re-establishing the energy balance. This is done in two ways. One is the insertion of fine, stainless steel needles into acupuncutre points, either stumulating or sedating the energy of a speciifc pathway. The other is the application of warmth to the acupuncture point. These methods are often used in combination. As the balance improves, health improves.